
Yoga Master
Brief info

Hemant, an academic scholar in Yog Education, accidently came in touch with Yog. After that he found that Yog is not an exercise only to maintain your body fitness, but its a door to the path that has the potential to reach and feel that superpower which is present in every single atom of the universe, so is within ourselves. But without exercising one can't get butter out of milk, so Yog sadhna is the process which helps you get the butter of this single life. Once you open that path of that supersprituality, you come to know what life actually is and what is meant to be here in this temporary world. Once you know the meaning of your life, you start to invest it in the right direction, that what we called Dhyan or Meditatioin. In Ektatva Ashtang Vinyasa Yoga Peeth (EAVYP), Hemant guides people in the path of Dhaya and also in Yog Nidra, so that they can get the true benefit of Yog apart from its materialistic aspects like fitness and beauty.