Bakul Sharma

EAVYVP Founder
Brief info

Bakul Sharma is a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher from the renowned yoga Institutions of India. He teaches yogasana, shat kriyas, pranayama and meditation.

With a background of Mechanical Engineering and an understanding of Biomedical aspects Bakul is able to hold a yoga space of asana alignment and adjustment within the eight-fold path of yoga: Yama; Niyama; Asana; Pranayama; Pratyahara; Dharana; Dhyana and Samadhi.

This level of learning is very precise and Bakul is strict with the practice and as a result, his students are often amazed by the level of the personal development that they achieve during, and after, classes.

Bakul is a dedicated teacher with care and empathy for his students which he delivers in a loving way with humour and love.

Bakul is a true gift to the Yoga community and a blessing to the world of Yoga teachers.