Yearly Archives: 2022

Yoga for everyone, everywhere

Yoga for everyone, everywhere

Hats off to humanity at this evolutionary moment. We believe the math and are staying contained for the betterment. Yes, deep inside there is the abhinivesha component, that is self preservation and the fear of our own death. But most of us do not believe we will get it. Instead we keep our distance due to the angels of our…

Paths of Yoga

Paths of Yoga

The four main spiritual paths for God-realization are Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Karma Yoga is suitable for a man of active temperament; Bhakti Yoga for a man of devotional temperament; Raja Yoga for a man of mystic temperament; Jnana Yoga for a man of rational and philosophical temperament or enquiry. The practice of Yoga leads…

Concentration and Meditation

Concentration and Meditation

Concentration and meditation are the royal roads to perfection. Concentration leads to meditation. Fix the mind on one object either within the body or without. Keep it there steadily for some time. This is concentration. You will have to practise this daily. Purify the mind first through the practice of right conduct and then take to the practice of concentration.…

How can Ayurveda Treat Cardiac/Heart diseases

How can Ayurveda Treat Cardiac/Heart diseases

One of the most dangerous diseases in India is Heart disease which has 27 percent of deaths in the country. The devastating lifestyle, stress, inadequate and improper sleep, and changed diet are some of the reasons for the increasing heart diseases even in young teens and twenties. There is Ayurvedic formula in which therapies are done to treat blockages of…